Parish Potluck Sunday and Meet & Greet Let us join together for a special potluck and a warm welcome to our new parish priest, Fr. Lawrence Odoemena October 6, 2024 Immediately after the 11am Mass St. Mary’s Church Hall
"Join us in preparing meals for our shelters around town. We meet in the Tranquille Hall kitchen at 5pm until approximately 7pm." Ignite is St. Joseph's Catholic ministry for young adults (18 and over)
Game Night presented by the Knights of Columbus is an evening full of food, fellowship and fun. From crib tournaments and cards to board games, there is fun for the whole family! Join us this month for Macaroni and Cheese, Caesar Salad, & Mashed Potatoes sponsored by Mr. Mikes with cookies from Subway for […]
La vente de pâtisseries sera le vendredi 11 octobre de 10h00 à 14h00 au Club Alouette. Tous sont invités à apporter quelques mets pour cette vente avant 10h. Venez nombreux acheter des délices pour la fête de l’action de grâce! *************************************************************************** The Bake Sale will be on Friday October 11 from 10 a.m. till 2 […]
Public Rosary Rally will be held at the Cathedral on Saturday, Oct. 12th at noon. "Please join us as we ask God to save Canada through the Rosary of His Most Holy Mother. Our nation is in great need of public prayer, repentance and conversion."
October 13, Sunday: Rosary Rally to take place immediately after the 11am Mass "We want to invite you to join in a Public Square Rosary Rally on Sunday, October 13th at 12:00 noon at the parking lot on highway 43 (across from the old Beaverlodge Hotel). This Public Square Rosary, sponsored by Canada Needs […]
Join us for Emmaus Night- a peer-led faith sharing night! It is a great chance to meet other young Catholics, enjoy some snacks and learn more about the rich treasures of our Faith. 7:45 pm upstairs in St. Joseph Upcoming Topics: October 15th – The Origins of Halloween presented by Emily Elsenheimer November 19th- Catholic […]
Our monthly healing prayer service following 7 pm Mass in church. The Prayer Team prays for all types of healing: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and even for someone not present through a proxy. Attend Mass and stay for prayer.
This will be an opportunity for women from across Alberta and beyond to come together in a fun and faith filled atmosphere with other women to share and deepen their faith journey. "She is clothed with strength and dignity;" Proverbs 31:25 This weekend our speakers will do a deep dive beyond the question "What is […]
Grades 7-9 welcome to join us to grow in friendship with each other and God. Tons of games, snacks & fun. 1st & 3rd Fridays from 7-8:30pm in SJPII Room
Join us for Bible & Beer at Mr. Mikes- an opportunity to grow in our faith and in Catholic community. We will meet at 7:45 pm for food and drinks and a discussion on the Scriptures. (The booking will always be under “St. Joseph Church”) We can’t wait to see you there! Ignite is a […]
The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis has three upcoming Hospitality and Accompaniment Workshops in the Archdiocese: Deanery 2: Oct. 26th @ Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall, Peace River Deanery 4: Nov. 23rd @ St. Paul Parish Hall, High Prairie Deanery 1: Nov. 30th @ St. John the Baptist Cathedral, McLennan Each workshop will begin with registration at 9:45 am, and […]
Gather in Tranquille Hall after 9 am or 11am mass to make sandwiches for the St. Lawrence Centre. Parishioners are invited to drop off supplies for making sandwiches for the hungry, and/or join in making the sandwiches after the Sunday masses. Items to bring: Sandwich Meat Cheese Peanut Butter Jam Mayonnaise Ziploc Bags
Retraite le 1er nov. « Grandir dans l’Amour » au Centre Culturel de 9h00 à 15h30 Pour participer contactez Anita au 7801-624-8661ou par courriel à Le 27 oct. 2024 Le 30e dimanche du T.O. B Cri de foi, crie de joie! Ménage pour Novmbre : Françoise Retreat on Nov. 1 “Growing in Love” at […]
Le Congrès de la Foi (CÉFFA), sous le thème « Grandir dans l’Amour », sera offert le 1e novembre à Calgary (en présentiel) et au Centre Culturel de St-Isidore (par Zoom). Le contenu sera basé sur les écrits du Père Jean Monbourquette qui a oeuvré dans le domaine de l’estime de soi et des richesses […]
The K of C is sponsoring a Bottle Drive. The deadline to turn in your refundable is Saturday morning November 2nd at 11 am. Please drop of refundable only.