Christmas Caroling presentation is being held on Sunday, November 26, Christ, The King -Sunday, from 5 PM to 7 PM at the Church. We encourage you all to attend with your family to support the celebration and enrich the community spirit within our Church. Please bring a dish for the potluck to follow in the […]
Archbishop Pettipas will attend this online meeting with the CCCB Committee for Family and Life.
Ladies' Bible Study - St. Joseph Church, Grande Prairie Ladies’ Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11 am, St. JPII Room. All ladies welcome.
Filipino Mass, Saturday, Dec. 2 @ 1pm, in the church Presider: Fr. Nel Esguerra Lunch, fellowship & FAGPA AGM follows in Tranquille Hall. Please contact Tessie for details,
St. Thomas More CWL cordinally invite you to our Annual Tea and Bake Sale Dec. 2nd 2-4 pm @ St. Thomas More Church Hall in Fairview Tea, bake sale, jars draw, quilt raffle, baskets raffle Entry fee of $5
An Advent retreat will be preached by Fr. Emmanuel Ekanem at Holy Family Church in Grimshaw on Dec. 3rd. Lunch will be served.
Potluck Sunday along with Gingerbread baking and craft fundraiser. Immediately after the 11am Mass. St. Mary's Church Hall.