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Annual Archdiocesan Finance Meeting

Our Lady of Peace Church, Peace River

Annual archdiocesan finance meeting to be held at Our Lady of Peace Parish in Peace River, April 29th. Time TBA

Curia Meeting

Chancery Office, Grande Prairie

Curia meeting on all matters related to the archdiocese. Held at the chancery office in Grande Prairie.

CWL National Council Meeting – Our Lady of Peace

Our Lady of Peace Church, Peace River

Catholic Women's League will host a national council meeting at the parish hall of Our Lady of Peace Parish in Peace River. April 22nd, 10am-3pm.

Prayer at Webster Grotto with Archbishop

Webster, Alberta

Held as part of the Archbishop's Deanery 3 visitation. Prayer will be offered at the grotto in Webster on April 28th at 10:30 am (Mass at Immaculate Conception in Sexsmith […]