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Visit of the SMMM Superior – Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan

Chancery Office, Grande Prairie

The Religious Superior of the Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy will be visiting our archdiocese on Sept. 13th, meeting with Archbishop Gerard Pettipas in Grande Prairie. Several SMMM religious priests serve our archdiocese.

CWL Monthly Meeting – St. Joseph Church, Grande Prairie

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

CWL Monthly Meetings resume Tuesday, September 12 immediately following weekday Mass, at approximately 7:45 pm, in the Grouard Room. New members are always welcome. Email: for details

Games Knight – St. Joseph, Grande Prairie

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

Games Knight returns Thursday, Sept 14. Everyone is welcome to come enjoy Crib, Canasta & board games for kids. 5:30 pm: Spaghetti dinner, garlic bread and Caesar salad. Games begin […]

Mass & Adoration – St. Joseph Church, Grande Prairie

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

Mass & Adoration Friday, September 15, 7 - 8:15 pm Join us for this sacred time to pray in the Real Presence of Jesus. We begin with Mass at 7:00 pm. Adoration follows at about 7:30 pm and continues until 8:15 pm.

APC Meeting – Our Lady of Peace, Peace River

Our Lady of Peace Church, Peace River

APC Meeting with persons from across the archdiocese to be held in Peace River at the Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall. Begins at 9:30 am