Meeting of Parish council at St. Joseph Church in Spirit River, 7:30 pm Feb. 21st
The Archdiocese’s Ash Wednesday Collection, coming up on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, will continue to raise money for healing and reconciliation programs in our region. The Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan has pledged […]
A campaign for raising items for the High Level Food Bank - taking non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies, and hygiene items. The 40 Cans of Lent campaign runs through the […]
Check out this Come and See for the Franciscans of Canada, taking place at the St. Francis Friary in Edmonton from Feb. 23rd-26th. Register by e-mailing Open for men […]
Curia meeting on all matters related to the archdiocese. Held at the chancery office in Grande Prairie.
Meeting among representatives from church communities in Deanery 2 Holy Family, Grimshaw
Catholics Returning Home - If anyone in your life has been away from the church and expressed thoughts such as “I’ve been hearing a lot about the Pope” “I’m anxious […]
Join us for food and drinks, and a discussion on Scripture and the Faith with Ignite – Catholic Young Adults of Grande Prairie – on Feb. 23rd Intended for Catholic adults […]
Soup, Reflection, Stations of the Cross- Lenten Fridays 5:15 pm: meatless soup & buns served by CWL in Tranquille Hall. Donations will go to Development & Peace 6 pm: Reflection […]
St. Mary's Soup and Stations Please join us for Soup and Stations of the Cross on every Friday during Lent at 6 PM beginning with a light meal in the […]
The CWL of St. John the Baptist Cathedral parish in McLennan will meet at the local Seniors' Club on Feb. 24th at 7:00 pm.