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Alberta March for Life – Edmonton

The Alberta March for Life will take place in Edmonton on May 11th. It begins with Mass at St. Joseph's Basilica followed by a march at the Alberta Legislature. Archbishop […]

Alberta March for Life – Edmonton

Begins with Mass for Life at St. Joseph Basilica 10:00 am Followed by speeches and march from the Edmonton legistlature

Mass for the Anointing of the Sick – St. Joseph, Grande Prairie

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

Thursday, May 11 at 1:30 pm - an opportunity for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. This Sacrament is available for anyone who has a serious illness: the elderly whose frailty is becoming more pronounced, major surgery/serious medical tests, uncontrollable and chronic illnesses (arthritis, diabetes, etc.), mental illness. If you know […]

Games Night & Spaghetti Supper – St. Joseph, Grande Prairie

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

Parish Games Night & Spaghetti Supper, Thursday, May 11, Tranquille Hall 5 - 7 pm: Supper, sponsored by Gord Switzer’s Family 7 - 9 pm: Crib, cards or family friendly games You are welcome to come for one or both parts of the evening. Gluten-free available. Cost by donation (to support St. Lawrence Centre) Please […]

HFCRD Faith Day

Holy Family Catholic Regional Division host their Faith Day