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SALT – St. Joseph Church, Grande Prairie

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

Sharing And Learning Together Grades 3 - 6 7 - 8:30 pm Next gatherings: June 9 & 16 St. JPII Room

Confirmation – St. John the Baptist Cathedral

St. John the Baptist Cathedral, McLennan

Four children will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. John the Baptist Cathedral, McLennan on June 11th - 10:30 am Mass. Archbishop Pettipas will celebrate.

CWL Muffin Sunday – Our Lady of Good Counsel, High Level

Our Lady of Good Counsel, High Level

The CWL would like to invite all parishioners to join in on Sunday June 11th, after 10:00 am Mass for Muffin Sunday Fellowship. CWL will be collecting NEW socks and underwear for evacuees – men, women, and children. Also, toiletries: toothpaste, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes etc...

CWL 75th Anniversary Celebration – Immaculate Conception, Sexsmith

Immaculate Conception Church, Sexsmith

Sexsmith CWL celebrates 75 years!   The Sexsmith Parish CWL is celebrating it's 75th year of service to the Church and the country. All are welcome to join the potluck supper on Sunday June 11,2023 at 5pm at the parish hall.

CWL 75th Anniversary – Immaculate Conception, Sexsmith

Immaculate Conception Church, Sexsmith

Sexsmith’s St. Mary’s Catholic Church CWL 75th Anniversary: Join the Sexsmith CWL on Sunday, June 11, at 5:00 pm at St. Mary’s Church, as they celebrate this auspicious occasion. Pot luck & quilt draw.