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Advent Reconciliation Week – Rosary School

Rosary School, Manning

Confessions will be offered from Dec. 6th-9th for Advent Reconciliation Week at Rosary School in Manning, from 10 am to Noon each day.

Curia Meeting

Bi-weekly curia meeting on all matters related to the archdiocese. Held at the chancery office in Grande Prairie.

Solemn Rosary – Ste. Marie School

Ste. Marie School, Spirit River

Thursday, December 8 Worldwide Rosary Praying: The Immaculate Conception of BVM: 9 a.m. Solemn Rosary by Ste. Marie School at 9 a.m. in Spirit River; 9.30 Mass

Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Redemptorists renew their vows

St. Joseph's Church, Grande Prairie Grande Prairie

Feast of Immaculate Conception, Thursday, Dec. 8 Join us at the 7 pm Mass at St. Joseph Church in Grande Prairie where the Redemptorist community will renew their religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.