Celebrating Grande Prairie’s parish patron Saint Joseph, on
Monday, March 20 (The feast day is March 19,
however, since it falls on a Sunday during Lent it has
been formally moved to the 20th).
“We will begin with Mass in the church followed by a
meal and talent show in Tranquille Hall.
Free tickets for supper available after Mass the
weekends of March 4/5, 11/12 and 18/19. You will
be asked to bring a salad or dessert.
Donations accepted to offset the cost of the meal.
5:30 pm: Mass (No ticket needed for Mass)
6:30 pm: Meal and talent show, Tranquille Hall.
If you have a unique talent that you would like to
share during the festivities contact Kristen, ext. 230,
or email sjc-family@gpcsd.ca”