
New video: RJ Mallannao shares his testimony

Check out the latest video in our “Discerning the Call” series: Rudy Jerome Mallannao reflects on his discernment to the priesthood, a journey that has taken him from the Philippines […]

Read More February 21, 2024

Rite of Election and Chrism Mass to be celebrated at McLennan Cathedral

There are two liturgies during the Lenten season we celebrate as an archdiocesan community – the Rite of Election (first Sunday of Lent) and the Chrism Mass during Holy Week. […]

Read More February 2, 2024

Ash Wednesday Collection 2024

Ash Wednesday Collection will continue to raise money for healing programs The Archdiocese’s Ash Wednesday Collection, taking place this year on Wednesday, Feb. 14th, will continue to raise money for […]

Read More January 30, 2024

Online Archbishop’s Dinner coming up on Jan. 26th

Our online Archbishop’s Dinner is coming up on January 26th! We will stream this year’s dinner on our YouTube and Facebook page, beginning at 6:00 pm. The archbishop will cook a meal from his home kitchen, play a trivia game with viewers, […]

Read More January 11, 2024

Video reflections on Clergy Study Days 2023

Video reflection on Clergy Study Days 2023 On Dec. 5th, clergy from across the archdiocese gathered in Peace River for a final gathering and reflection for our first-ever Clergy Study […]

Read More December 21, 2023

Closing dinner held for Clergy Study Days

Closing dinner held for Clergy Study Days On Dec. 5th, clergy from across the archdiocese gathered in Peace River for a final gathering and reflection for our first-ever Clergy Study […]

Read More December 6, 2023

Archbishop’s Levee coming up on Jan. 1st

Celebrate the new year with His Grace Archbishop Pettipas! The Archbishop’s Levee is coming up on January 1st, hosted from the chancery office in Grande Prairie. This event offers all […]

Read More November 15, 2023

Archbishop’s Dinner celebrated in McLennan

This year’s Archbishop’s Dinner was held in McLennan on Nov. 3rd, hosted by Deanery 1. With over 160 people in attendance, we had a wonderful evening with delicious food, great company, an insightful talk from the […]

Read More November 6, 2023

Extra hymnals needed for mission church

The Archdiocese is asking any of our parishes who have extra hymnals (such as the Catholic Book of Worship) to contact Msg. Charles Lavoie or our Communications Officer Kyle Greenham […]

Read More November 1, 2023

First in-person Youth Ministry Workshop held in Grande Prairie

The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis’ first in-person youth ministry workshop was held this past Saturday, Oct. 21st, at St. Joseph Church in Grande Prairie. It featured detailed presentations and […]

Read More October 24, 2023