to Jesus
through Mary

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Northern Light is the official magazine of the Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan, printed and delivered monthly to its subscribers across the archdiocese and wider Alberta. Every issue is jam-packed with in-depth articles, colourful photospreads, and many other insightful features. It is a great resource for staying in touch with the many things happening across our churches and faith communities.

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The ‘cemetery man’

Hector Goudreau helps preserve local history through his efforts to clean-up Grouard’s 125-year-old cemetery

A bountiful harvest

Girouxville parish reaches fundraising milestone with major canola crop project

Gifts given to share

Dolores Becher has sung in the Manning church choir since she was 10-years-old

Growing vegetables, growing community

St. Joseph’s parishioners launch community garden project to help the city’s most vulnerable

‘It’s like Jesus is coming’

Fox Lake parishioners have high hopes as their new church nears completion

God’s healing touch

Lucille Partington walks pain-free since her parish’s healing service

Heart of the community

The Eleske Pilgrimage continues as a way to honour God and ancestry

The place where faith is formed

For youth across the archdiocese, Camp St. Martin is where their faith comes to flourish

Memories of Fr. Mariman

The legacy of missionary priest continues to endure in the Canadian north

A month of ministry

Toronto seminarians gain an intimate look at missionary life through their experience in Grouard-McLennan

Surprised by Joy

Andrea Bator of Grande Prairie reflects on her experiences discerning religious life

The message of choosing life

Beaverlodge celebrating annual walk for life for over 40 years

Seeing God’s guiding hand

Ignatian Exercises with Peace Retreats prove spiritually fruitful for parishioners

‘For the local church’

Thomas Wollis reflects on his pastoral internship in the mission community of Wabasca

At peace, at home

Cameroonian priest reflects on his decision to permanently make his home with the Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan

Remembering Sister Georgette

Parishioners reflect on the life and legacy of a nun who dedicated much of her life to faith formation in the archdiocese

‘Gifted to give’

Brylle Buenaventura hopes to fulfill his vocational calling as a missionary priest

Offering meals and offering hope

St. Joseph food ministry provides a way for parishioner to honour his son

Planting seeds of hope

Franciscan Missionaries of Hope reflect on their time serving the Canadian north

Joining our suffering to Christ

As euthanasia becomes a more pressing issue in our country, Msgr. Charles Lavoie reflects on the importance of our Faith in cherishing life to its natural end

Into full communion

Grande Prairie family finds strength through faith as they prepare for baptism

‘It has all paid off’

Wilfred and Rosemarie Willier reflect on a lifetime of faith together

Open to whatever God gives me

RJ Mallannao reflects on his decades long journey towards the priesthood

Not the hand, just the instrument

Rocky Okimaw is an example of devout faith for his parish and community

A ministry of presence

High Prairie pastor uses new training in ministry to sick and elderly

‘First we must make them saints’

Ste. Marie School in Spirit River spark students’ curiosity on All Saints Day

The search for the 99

Workshops held to renew youth ministry efforts in the archdiocese

‘We are present’

After four years of hard work, Girouxville parish nears completion of its new church stairs

A holy oasis away from the world

First-time counsellor recounts his transformative experience at Camp St. Martin

The strength to rebuild

Little Red River community celebrate one-of-a-kind pilgrimage after devastating wildfire

The loss of St. Bernard’s

Grouard community mark the loss of historic church

Enduring the flames

Priests and parishioners hold to faith as wildfires ravage their communities

All in God’s time

Helen Ford has found a renewed strength and trust in God through her life-changing year

Finding peace in the church

Newly confirmed Catholics reflect on their journey into Catholicism

A look back at Catholic cooperativism

Evens Lavoie is a living link to St. Isidore’s unique history of cooperative farming

A century of church life

Donnelly’s Catholic community hold centennial celebration for their church

Just like a home monastery

Goodfare couple have preserved former church as home chapel for past 20 years

Walking together towards reconciliation

Angie Crerar and Archbishop Pettipas reflect on the meaning of reconciliation at church event

‘This is how it was’

Senior who altar served at cathedral’s consecration Mass reflects on its more than 70 year history

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