Dear Brothers and Sisters,

               If you watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games in Paris or through other media of the sacrilege that took place there, we cannot remain silent.  As the reconstruction of Notre Dame de Paris Basilica is nearing completion after the devastating fire that damaged her in April 2019, let us turn to our Blessed Mother for reparation of the greater carnage in the actions of foolish men and women who publicly disgraced our Lord and the Eucharist instituted at the Last Supper. 

I invite your parish church to organize one hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and the praying of the Sorrowful Mystery for the conversion of hearts and souls this week or in the next.  Let us stand firm in prayer and faith.  If you have comments or other suggestions, please inform me.

Msgr Charles Lavoie PH

Vicar General/Chancellor