May 11th, 2024

Dear Pastors, Brother Priests, Sisters and Parishioners,

Since composing his May 2024 letter, Archbishop Pettipas has seen his doctor, went for blood work and it was recommended that he receive a blood transfusion to bring blood counts up to standard numbers.  This afternoon (May 11th), the Archbishop has been admitted to hospital for the transfusion, for observation with the hope of undergoing a surgical procedure at some time in the coming days.  Again, we ask that you keep Archbishop Gerry in your personal prayer and to have a prayer intention at all Masses this weekend.  We will keep you informed as best we can when more details are made available.

Let us pray:  Jesus our Lord, we ask you to have mercy on all who are sick, especially today for Archbishop Gerry. May he find comfort and courage and strength from the prayers, thoughts and well-wishes from the people of this diocese and all who will pray for his need. Give to all who are suffering with illness and infirmity the grace of your presence, of strength and love, and help them to carry this cross with which they are burdened, the faith and resolve to unite this suffering with Your suffering on the cross. May whatever sufferings they presently endure overcome the power of evil, of despair and fear, and lead them to the joy of living in love and trust in you.  Amen.  

Confident in Christ our Lord,

Msgr Charles Lavoie PH
Vicar General/Chancellor